Brace Your Home for a Strong Foundation


The celebrated author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, “A strong foundation is the key to success.” That is not only true in our personal lives and relationships but also true in the homes where we live. Along with the foundation and framing, a home’s floor joists are some of the most critical parts of its structure as their job is to keep your floors straight and sturdy.

So how would you know if a floor joist becomes damaged and needs repair - and how is that done? Some of the tell-tale signs of damaged floor joists can be floors that sag or creak, water damage, and areas that feel spongy when you walk on them. Things can worsen if the problem is not taken care of immediately. Damaged floor joists can lead to buckled hardwood floors or cracks in walls, tiles, or countertops.


There are several different solutions for damaged floor joists which all depend on the extent of the damage. Sometimes we can “sister” a damaged floor joist by attaching it to a new one. Or a floor joist may have to be removed and replaced. In other cases, a drop girder is necessary to repair sagging or deflecting floor joists. The drop girder is the wood beam that sits on top of the pier and runs perpendicular to the floor joists.

Another option is our proprietary steel column support system known as the Alpha Jack Steel Support System. Made of heavy-gauge steel material, the supports are installed to take the place of failing piers or other steel supports that are inadequate or do not meet building code requirements. The columns are adjustable to easily make corrections to keep the floor systems level throughout the home.


The cost of floor joist repair can range depending on the size of the affected area and the extent of the damage. However, you can probably count on a few thousand dollars, depending on the damage. Unfortunately, this is also one project that is not for do-it-yourselfers. Proper floor joist repair requires a qualified specialist who knows and understands state and county building codes and regulations. 

Prevention Tips

To help prevent floor joist damage, keep track of your crawl space moisture levels. Floor joist damage is due to:

· High moisture. This is why proper waterproofing is necessary to avoid this issue.

· Improper building or remodel projects being performed that add additional weight to the floor system where it was not designed to carry. This additional weight or transfer of point loads will cause the floor to deflect or sag. 

· Mother Nature and the natural settling of soil, earth, and your home due to the forces of gravity. We’ve yet to come up with a viable solution for that one. 

The key takeaway here is that floor joist damage is critical. Assuming it will somehow fix itself and stop settling is not a good idea. The longer you put off repairs, the more extensive and costly they will become. So make sure your life and your home have a solid foundation – one that produces a lifetime of happiness and success.

Liz Rodgers